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E-Z Stitch Oak Side Bar Pair / 12" Adjustable



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Our E-Z Stitch Side Bars, in conjunction with E-Z Stitch Scroll Rods, and allow you to size your Scroll Frame to any project size you desire. Increasing the length of the Side Bars will increase the vertical height of your stitching field. The E-Z Stitch Side Bars are compatible with any E-Z Stitch Scroll Rod pair.

E-Z Stitch Side Bars are available in the following lengths: 6", 8", 10", 12" and 16." Side Bars 12” & 16” have holes every 2” giving your lots of different vertical height options.

The length of the Side Bar refers the holes on either end of the bar, the bar itself will be a bit longer then this measurement. For example, an 8" Side Bar has a 9 1/2" total length. Side Bars are made from solid American Red Oak and are finished with natural oak stain.

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