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E-Z Stitch Scroll Rod Pair, Webbing Version / 30" length, 3/4" extra heavy duty diameter



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Webbing Scroll Rod Pairs include 2 wood dowels with 1" wide webbing fabric attached along the length of each dowel. 

The webbing rods come in a variety of lengths to fit your stitching needs: 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 18" Heavy Duty, 20", 20" HD, 22", 22" HD, 24", 24" HD, 26" HD,  28" HD, 30" HD, 36" HD, 42" HD and 48" HD.

The diameter of the scroll rods is 1/2" for regular rods, 5/8" for heavy duty rods and 3/4" for all extra heavy duty rods 30" and longer. Heavy duty rods provide more strength and stability for larger stitching projects. 

"Size" of scroll frame rods refers to the length of the scroll rods. Regular or heavy duty refers to the diameter of the rod.

The diameter of the scroll rods is 1/2" for regular rods, 5/8" for heavy duty rods and 3/4" for extra heavy duty rods. Heavy duty rods provide more strength and stability for larger stitching projects. 

Regular scroll rods are 1/2” in diameter and are available in 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 22" and 24" lengths. The heavy duty rods are 5/8" in diameter and available in 18", 20", 22", 24", 26" and 28" lengths. The extra heavy duty rods are 3/4" in diameter and available in 30", 36", 42" and 48" lengths.

How it works: Each rod has webbing fabric attached to it. Hand stitch or machine sew your embroidery project fabric to the webbing on the scroll rods. Assemble your scroll frame and rotate the rods to pull the fabric taut for stitching.

Please note: Scroll rods are designed to work with an E-Z Stitch scroll frame. Two side bars and 4 knobs are needed, along with the rod pair, to complete a scroll frame.

If you are looking for an easy alternative to webbing, consider the E-Z Stitch Rods with Tape, click here.

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